Saturday, December 3

November - I hardly knew you

Wow!  November seemed to arrive and leave in the same breath, during which projects were made and ripped.  My NaKniSweMo met with two disasters which proved to be two too many to overcome.  The yarn I picked is perfect, sunny shades, warm & lofty.  I tried a colorwork neck down yoke which I've never done before and something, somewhere went terribly wrong.  It ended up a size big enough for me and a friend to share and I'm still not exactly clear on why. Slightly discouraged, I heard the voice of my Favorite Knitter - Elizabeth Zimmermann whispering "Ah, well these are the things that happen sometimes with designs" and put it away and moved on.

That sweater has been set aside until a time I have a good movie and lots of ripping and detangling time.  I will make a sweater with the yarn, just not that one. Not yet.

The good news is my very own Empire sweater is finished and blocked and waiting for buttons to be sewn on this afternoon.  It is cozy and Autumnal and just plain old perfect.

Over at Double KnotCal & I are working on some holiday hints, crafts, and favorites so you can check in over there over the next month if you're needing a little inspiration for things to make, eat, or buy.

Hope to be back soon with triumphant sweater pics and a few accessories that have been done for ages & just waiting to be shot.  New patterns coming soon!

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